MDI without spacer
- Remove the cap and shake the inhaler.
- Take a deep breath and breathe out (exhale) all the way.
- Place the inhaler in your mouth. Close your lips around it.
- As you breathe in deeply, press down on the inhaler to release the medicine. Hold your breath for a count of 10, or as long as you can comfortably. Then slowly breathe out.

MDI with spacer
- Remove the caps from the inhaler and spacer and shake the inhaler.
- Take a deep breath and breathe out (exhale) all the way. Put the spacer between your teeth and close your lips tightly around the spacer.
- Spray 1 puff into the spacer by pressing down on the inhaler. Then slowly breathe in as deeply as you can. If you breathe in too quickly, you may hear a whistling sound in the spacer.
- Take the spacer out of your mouth. Hold your breath for a count of 10, or as long as you can comfortably. Then slowly breathe out.